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Joseph Daniel Doamo

Young people, particularly those who are going into early adulthood, face many pressures in the world today, as they try to find an identity, whilst being surrounded with social media and pop culture. People are inclined to seek therapy for a variety of reasons. A common issue is that one may be feeling like they are not actualising their full potential, with something holding them back, causing them to suffer, and it isn’t always clear on the surface as to why. A therapist’s job is to help the patient discover their own potential and how they can apply it to their own self- development, to live a more content and fulfilling life. There isn’t a single solution to a specific psychological issue. It very much depends on the individual and their context and it is a role of a therapist to meet their patients needs in their own way, considering their personal journey, to help relieve their suffering in the best way possible.

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